The Killing is an upcoming crime drama TV series created and produced by Veena Sud. The film is based on the Danish miniseries Forbrydelsen (The Crime), it is being produced by Fox Television Studios and executive produced by Fuse Entertainment. The series' first season, consisting of 13 hour-long episodes, is scheduled to premiere on the cable channel AMC on Sunday, April 3, 2011. The film stars Mireille Enos as Sarah Linden, Seth Isaac Johnson as Denny Larsen, Richard Harmon as Jasper Ames, Liam James as Jack, Eric Ladin as Jamie Wright, Kacey Rohl as Sterling Fitch, Gharrett Patrick Paon as Kris Echols, Colin Lawrence as Benjamin Abani.
Plot Summery: The film follows the police investigation of the murder of a young girl, tying together three interlocking stories as investigators chase a variety of leads.
The Killing video