Franklin & Bash is a comedy drama TV series created by Kevin Falls and Bill Chais, which will air on TNT. The series stars Claire Coffee as Janie Ross, Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Steven Bash, Breckin Meyer as Jared Franklin, Ally Maki as Tania, Ciel Turich as Event Photographer, Norma Houser as Gallery Member, Kaye Marie Talise as Stirred Magazine Model, Bridget Nichols as Financial Investor and John Fitzgerald Page as Gallery member.
Plot: Two young, fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants street lawyers cause a seismic culture clash when they join a legendary, button-down law firm. Breckin Meyer is Jared Franklin, who loves sticking it to authority every chance he gets, while Mark-Paul Gosselaar plays Peter Bash, who has a knack for connecting with jury and judge.