Enlightened is an upcoming comedy TV series created by Mike White and stars Mikey Kelch as Cogentiva employee, Jason Mantzoukas as Omar, James McMann as Cogentiva employee, Timm Sharp as Dougie, Bayne Gibby as Connie, Elena Beuca as Krista's Friend, Michael Lawson as Harris, Michelle Ahern as Tina, Eileen Grubba, Tinashe Kajese as Receptionist, Leyna Weber as Damon's wife, Sarah Burns, Laura Dern, Charles Esten, Amy Hill, Diane Ladd and Luke Wilson. The first season, which is set to premiere in 2011 on HBO, will consist of 10 episodes.
Plot summery: Enlightened follows the story of Amy, a self-destructive executive, who, after a very public breakdown and a subsequent philosophical awakening in rehabilitation, tries to get her life back together.