Bonnie and Clyde vs Dracula is a horror film, set for release in the USA on March 18, 2011. The film is written and directed by Timothy Friend and stars Jordan Baranowski as Moonshiner, Katie Barker as Dead Prostitute, Ari Bavel as Older Moonshiner, Chris Carter, Jessica Cooper, Anita Cordell as Liza, Haley Cordell as Fruitstand Girl, Bryan Davis, Donna M. Davis, Scott Decker, Emily Foster, Edward Franklin, Austin Fraser, Michael Friedlander and Alex 'Fish' Friend as Moonshine Kid.
Plot summery: After their latest heist goes wrong legendary outlaw couple Bonnie and Clyde are on the run from the law and in need of fast money to fix up their companion who was shot during the robbery. Finding shelter in small town they crash at the mansion of the notorious Dr. Loveless. When Bonnie and Clyde arrive at the Doctor's mansion they discover he has a secret. Deep in his cellar, the recently revived Dracula awaits...and when gangsters meet vampires, there's bloody hell to pay.
Bonnie and Clyde vs Dracula Movie Trailer