Luck is an upcoming TV series created by David Milch. The series is reportedly aiming for a launch in fall 2011. The film stars Dustin Hoffman as Chester "Ace" Bernstein, Nick Nolte as The Old Man, Kevin Dunn as Marcus, Richard Kind as Joey Rathburn, Kerry Condon as Exercise girl, Dennis Farina as Gus Economou, Ian Hart as Lonnie, Jason Gedrick as Jerry, John Ortiz as Turo Escalante, Tom Payne as Leon Micheaux, Ritchie Coster as Renzo, Spencer Garrett as Maurice and David Dustin Kenyon as Race Reporter.
Plot summery: Luck follows a number of characters who are frequenters of the same horse-racing track.
The film will star Dustin Hoffman as "a man in his late 60s just released from four years in prison who's autodidactic, intelligent, and deeply involved in gambling."
David Milch was quoted in Variety as saying; "The pilot is about a bunch of intersecting lives in the world of horse racing...It's a subject which has engaged and some might say has compelled me for 50 years. I find it as complicated and engaging a special world as any I've ever encountered, not only in what happens in the clubhouse and the grandstand, but also on the backside of the track, where the training is done and where they house the horses."