Dear Lemon Lima is a comedy film, set for release in the USA on March 04, 2011. The film is written and directed by Suzi Yoonessi, and stars Melissa Leo, Meaghan Martin, Elaine Hendrix, Vanessa Marano, Beth Grant, Zane Huett, Chase Wright Vanek, Eleanor Hutchins, Shayne Topp, Emma Dumont, Kari Nissena, Bob McCracken, Elaine Mani Lee, Savanah Wiltfong, Jada Morrison.
Plot summery: Vanessa gets a dose of reality when Philip, her one true love, ends their relationship, again. The quirky teen enrolls in his school to win him back, but ends up making matters worse. Downgraded to social outcast, Vanessa struggles to reclaim Phillip's affection. Luckily, when Vanessa is declared a captain for the school's Snowstorm Survivor competition, she assembles a team of likeminded misfits to prove they deserve to compete and hopefully win her love's heart again.
Dear Lemon Lima Movie Trailer