Bob's Burgers is an animated television series created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show aired a 2-minute "sneak peek" during Fox's Network TV broadcast premiere of The Simpsons Movie and is set to air on Sundays after The Simpsons starting on January 9, 2011. The first season is expected to have thirteen episodes.
Cast: H. Jon Benjamin as Bob Belcher, John Roberts as Linda Belcher, Kristen Schaal as Louise Belcher, Eugene Mirman as Gene Belcher and Dan Mintz as Tina Belcher.
Plot: The show centers on a family that runs a hamburger restaurant. Loren Bouchard stated Bob's Burgers came out of the fact that Fox's animation brand centers mostly on family, but that he also wanted to dabble in workplace comedy. The show is said to fill the void created by the cancellation of King of the Hill, which executive producer Jim Dauterive worked on for nearly its entire run.
Bob's Burgers video