Avatar: Legend of Korra is an animated television series written by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, expected to air on Nickelodeon in 2011. It is a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is slated to run for 12 episodes. It will take place in the same fictional universe as the original show: an Asian-influenced world where people have the supernatural ability to manipulate either water, earth, fire, or air, depending on what nation they are from.
Plot: The series will focus on Korra, a teenage female protagonist from the Southern Water Tribe and the current incarnation of the Avatar, who, according to the president of Nickelodeon, will be "hotheaded, independent, and ready to take on the world." She has already mastered the elements of Water, Earth, and Fire, but needs to master Air. The character was partly inspired by Avatar Kyoshi of the original series, whom the creators say was very popular among fans. In order to avoid repetition of Aang's adventures, the creators wanted to root the show in one place, called Republic City. A concept drawing of the city, released with the announcement of the series, shows the city's design as inspired by Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, Hong Kong, Manhattan, and Vancouver. In the show, Korra will have to learn Airbending from master Tenzin, son of Avatar Aang and Katara, and contend with an anti-bender revolution taking place in the city.
Plot: The series will focus on Korra, a teenage female protagonist from the Southern Water Tribe and the current incarnation of the Avatar, who, according to the president of Nickelodeon, will be "hotheaded, independent, and ready to take on the world." She has already mastered the elements of Water, Earth, and Fire, but needs to master Air. The character was partly inspired by Avatar Kyoshi of the original series, whom the creators say was very popular among fans. In order to avoid repetition of Aang's adventures, the creators wanted to root the show in one place, called Republic City. A concept drawing of the city, released with the announcement of the series, shows the city's design as inspired by Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, Hong Kong, Manhattan, and Vancouver. In the show, Korra will have to learn Airbending from master Tenzin, son of Avatar Aang and Katara, and contend with an anti-bender revolution taking place in the city.